BRAAMD,  Inc. Range of Products & Services for Cement Industry in the Philippines

Here you will find an overview  of our products portfolio for the Cement Industry.

●      ABB motors
●      BINMASTER level sensor, volume measurement
●      FESTO automation, pneumatics, control cabinets, actuators, cylinders
●      ELIOS inspection drone
●      PIX4D, GEOSLAM stockpile volume measurement
●      AOKMAN gearmotors
●      KSB pumps and valves
●      EVEREXCEED industrial batteries
●      DWYER instruments, gauges, transmitters, level switches, gauges, thermometers, dust collector timer controller
●      TORMIN industrial lights, explosion proof lights
●      High temperature LED industrial lighting
●      WAMGROUP bulk handling products
●      Spare parts and consumables

Our capabilities go far beyond supplying these products, we also offer comprehensive services like battery maintenance service, process automation, industrial indoor inspection service, and other industrial solutions.

BRAAMD,  Inc. continues to bring products and services to improve your cement plant productivity and efficiency. We look forward to discussing these solutions and services to you. Please email us to set up a meeting and we'll be quick to visit you.